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Hello! Mitt navn er Elena. Jeg bor for tiden i Wien og studerer her! Her kan dere lese hva som skjer i mitt hverdagsliv..Hurraa.

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Andre Blogger

skin by heroine
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torsdag 5. mars 2009

OI I forgot again! but here is an little update on whats going on in my life: I been to a group therapy weekend on an awesome spa hotel two and a half weeks ago. it was really a nice experience! And right now i am writing an paper about my view of how group therapy can make you grow as a person :) I found out that Carl Rogers (famous psychologist) is really an smart and special guy.. if you want to read some inspiering words about humans and how we communicate then check him out!

Then two weeks ago i went down to the south of Austria, Carinthia with Christoph to visit his grandparents.. We had an awesome time there with a spa/swimming relaxing day again..(lots of naked old guys there! but i am getting used to it) A biking trip and eating lunch at a really nice lake and snowboarding!

this whole week and also the weekend i have just been doing tons of university stuff.. But on Friday i am done for this term at Webster and i have SPRING BREAK for 10 days! And guess what!? Christoph and I are going on a holiday to Egypt for a week! Cant wait to go, 28 degrees, sun, ocean, relaxing, windsurfing, swimming... ahh.. this will be me on Saturday afternoon:
i hope not i will end up like this! but luckely i have enough suns screen!
Well now the weather is crappy here in Vienna and it has been like this for a month .. oh no yesterday the sun was shining for a couple of hours and it was so good to not needing to wear a jacket or walk against the wind! Ok i need to get back to my papers to finish in time!

Have a nice day!

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg

onsdag 11. februar 2009

Jepp, i got my first C+ today, awesome! But luckely since i have a nice teacher and half of the class failed we are allowed to write a paper about something we sucked at in the exam, for me it was "health belief models" what the hell that is!? hehe..
This teacher also surprised me with some books today, cause i guess she saw that i was half retarded (specially with writing) when she corrected my exam. the books are called "College and Carrer Success for Students with Learning Disabilities" and "Reading fluency" so yes i feel like i am a very good student now.. jejee.. at least i must have some other good qualities?! I can huhmm..do the CHICKEN DANCE and also speak the slim shady language my own made english. (Andrea do you remember how we sang the EMINEM songs when we where 11? The song with EMINEM and Dido went like this :

"please dont call and wonder why. cause i can see you now, put your hand upon mye window cause i can see at all. and even if i couldent be gray thats why i put the picture on my wall. it reminds me that its not so bad its not so bad."

well and just today i found out the real lyrics and they go like this:

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I.. got out of bed at all The morning rain clouds up my window.. and I can't see at all And even if I could it'd all be gray, put your picture on my wall It reminds me, that it's not so bad, it's not so bad..

Its amazing how you can make up your own sentences and think they make sense in your head when you dont know a language real well.

This is a really nice movie by the way:

hahaha strange huh that someone would make a movie about themselfs like that! but hey its really awesome that she is self ironic.. Maybe i do the same thing one day if start eating 12 cheeseburgers everyday i turn out to be biiiggg... i hope not..

On monday Christoph got really lucky and won two tickets to a concert with Sofa Surfers. its an rock, electronic band from Austria and it was pretty cool, but its kind of weird to go to a concert when you dont really know the songs they are playing. Here is one of their songs:

This weekend i am going to a spa hotell with my Group therapy class and i am so much looking forward to it.. we are going to talk with each other and experience being in a group... and have lots of time to just relax, swimming, eating, getting a massage maybe! hehe could not think of a better way to have a class! :)

Well now i need to do something to make me become smarter so then i just say goodbye from now and all the best from the disabled retard!

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg

torsdag 5. februar 2009
snot is floating

Good evening..
I have the flu.. and that sucks. i also have to much boring school and that sucks! hehe.. Ok enough emo talk!
Well not much has happened the last days. I been to Webster and looked at rich Russians and Saudis (sheiks) i have blown my nose probably 243 times so it looks nice and red now. Ohh i painted Christoph and mine faces and we looked stunning... amazing huh? good thing that you could actually wash it of again!
Hmm now i am going to watch the new episode of gossipgirl drink tea and take some vitamins and then go to bed and sleep.. its not fun with the flu.. But everyone here in Vienna has it kind of, at least i managed to give it to both my roommate and Christoph and they where very happy for it! haha..

Cheriooo and good night!

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg

fredag 30. januar 2009

yes then there was the time for some long gone blogging again! whohoo..
the reason this time for not blogging are the holidays and also an AIDS infected computer that has now been switched out with this new beauty:
Isent he the nicest thing!? haha its also my new activity siting in front of it an staring and drooling at it. There is so many sweet things you can do on this piece of art like making things dissapair from the screen with one click haha.. i am facinated

The past weeks have gone really fast, a new year, new friends, new semester, new possibilities!
I have to say that 2008 has been a very changing year in my still pretty short life. I guess i can say that 2008 was the year Elena grew up.... hehe its true, at least abit.. i know there is still lots to learn and know but 2008 gave me quite a new prercetive of things.. with all the traveling, moving to a new country, starting my studies, meeting 100 of new people.. i guess i can go on..

Well 2009, started of at Trysil at Andreas cabin and i have to say it was a wonderful trip with losts of fun..
It was so good to see familiar "old" faces again and being back in Norway!

I went back to Vienna the 12 after a lot of shit from the air plane company and a pretty looong boring stop in Amsterdam. After some short days being back Natasja and Ingrid showed up at my door ready to party and mess up my apartment for a couple of days.. it was truly explicit to have to creatures occupying my bed and partying russian style again.. hahaha.. lets do it again sooonn girls!
Ok there is more to write about the start of 2009 but i am tired and i need to go sleeping..the flue is big in Vienna at the moment and i think i can have catched some nasty bugs from sitting in a cold the teather yesterday .. oh i saw The Price with Christoph and it was quite nice but a bit to much about family drama and money. But it was awesome of him to take me with him! :) and get some cultur in my blood!

Well well have a wondeful evening.. and ps. if you want to see a funny movie see this one: Zake and Miri Making a Porn.. hmm nooo its not a porn movie haha..

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg

lørdag 13. desember 2008
Appendix... is gone

Helloo and good afternoon!

Sorry for not writing, AGAIN! Buutt i have a really good excuse this time. Monday evening last week, my appendix (blindtarm) decided that it did not like living in my stomach anymore and was making a terrorist teat to explode if I did not get it out really fast. So I got rushed to a very crappy and idiotic hospital and got it removed on Tuesday evening. Now I have three nice scars and lost all my love to Austrian hospitals and doctors. Seriously, I never felt so lost in my life, when none of the doctors really want to speak English to you and you have to lay in a big hospital room with 6 old, farting, stinking, snoring ladies. But luckily Superman came and kept me company and also rescued me in the end :) Thank you for saving me, you’re my hero!

Ok, so studying and Webster have not gone to well the last week since I mostly been laying in bed healing my wounds.. But on Thursday in my Art class we had the expedition opening for our art project. And I have to say it turned out to be a success.. Maybe cause of all the alcohol that was there?! Haha I don’t know. At least it’s done and over with! Here are some very nice pictures, but no pictures of the actual exhibition cause i kind of forgot

Shit its almost Christmas and with everything going on, I have not thought about it at all.

But I actually look forward to it, usually I am not a big fan of Christmas and new years, but this year I am so much looking forward to go home see all my crazy, beloved friends again, not to mention spending some quality time with my family! Hurray! This is my wishing list for Christmas:I want a big rabbit that can keep me company! Hmm no its actually the guy in the picture i want.. haha.. I always wanted a mini pig... But i guess it will stay a fantacy I want a nice tan, and go somewhere warm of course i want world peace! who does not?I really need a new snowboard.

Ok this again was a strange blog entry but i am in a strange mood and i need to study Psychology. Peace out!

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg

lørdag 29. november 2008
Nicolas Cage and other crap


Ok i found out that i have to start writing in English, since my beloved American friends requested an English written blog so they could keep track on my life when they move back to the U.S and A, Yankee land and burger nation. I will miss you guys so much.. blæ who am I going to play with in this Lebekase city? My imaginary friends? Talking my own little “nu, nnnnu, nu” language? Sad… I hope I will survive!

Sooo again I did not blog again for a week, but not much is happing during the week days only Webster and studying crap! (but I do get smart..ehmm yeah right)

Well, last Saturday we went to a gay bar called Why Not, for support for Nick. it was fun but every guy in the bar was more feminine then I was.. I know I am not that feminine but still.. it was kind of weird… so after some hours and drinks, Kasper and I decided to go another club called Passage. It’s a pretty cocky stiff place, but we managed to have fun somehow. we drank way to much.. pretended we where Norwegian models who had to get drunk cause we where to fat.. running away from idiotic guys.. yes, Hege Katrine is still here, big time! Dancing the chicken dance and getting close friends with the bouncers “Benny” and “Jenny”, getting roses from them, and a promise to get in for free the next time we visit. Haha, how we started to talk I don’t remember but I guess I would never do it if I was not under the influence of alcohol cause they looked like big mean gorillas. On Sunday I went to the country side to visit Lukas. It was so nice to be in the forest and country again.. it made me miss home! We had a really good time, and walked up a small mountain to a hut, where we got good food and some Austrian snaps. The trip down was awesome, cause we sled down and it was so hilarious, crashing into bushes and falling of in high speed. ( it was like the trip to korketrekkeren in Oslo with school in 6 grade… do you remember Andrea? )

Here are some pic from the weekend:

This is a VERY tanned singing gay guy..do you see the passion? Nick is cute!

On Thursday my little sister came! Whohoo and it was so good to see her again. She has become a real nice young lady. On Friday we went shopping and in the evening we went to Volksgarten to party, I was supposed to meet an Austrian friend there but never did.. but we had fun anyways. At least my sister and my friends had.. I was worrying a lot about my sister and all the attention she got from the opposite sex… haha but she did fine.. till she drank a Long Island Ice tea

Today we just walked around in the city, and guess what I found out that Vienna is truly a stunning city! And guess who we saw walking right past us: Nicolas Cage, the man himself! Wowww.. I never seen a such a “high class” celebrity. my hands almost started shaking of excitement.. He is my new hero.. haha

He did not look like this when we saw him... but hey, the picture was funny!

Sister løv!my sister is sronger than mehere i do a very special pose.. but the rest are nice!awesome dancingthe chicken dance good dance to keep guys away!

Alright now its sister bonding time! stay tuned!

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg

lørdag 22. november 2008
Hege Katrine is back

Herregud jeg skammer meg over meg selv! Her forteller jeg dere at jeg skal begynne å blogge igjen men neida.. jeg er lat og ubrukelig!

Men jeg kan jo fortelle om alle morsomheter som har skjedd den siste uken.

Kaizers konsert var utrolig bra, rundt 10 nordmenn og noen wanna be nordmenn (svensker og amerikanere i forkledning) hadde det utrolig festlig med tre av de, før konserten dro vi på en bar utenfor.. haha og der var det faktisk bare menn med skjegg og skinn bukser.. så kan jo si det falt i smak, men en god latter fikk vi oss i alle fall!

Er et bildet av de tre (god stemning som dere kanskje ser) Eli om du leser det jaaa, jeg tok bildet fra facebooken din, men det var så festlig.

På lørdag bestemte Kasper, Marie og jeg oss for og dra ut og ha en skikkelig jente kveld, med først en ekte jentevorse også dra på byen.

Vi hadde det enormt morsomt hjemme i leiligheten min helt til noen uventede gjester ringte på døren.. ååå jada det var onkel politi! Herregud, min idiot av en nabo som bor under meg har vist hatet roommaten min i 3 år nå.. og klager blant annet på at vi går for mye i leiligheten.. Så han så det som en gylden mulighet, når tre jenter svanset rundt og hørte på musikk over han og ringe politiet og ødelegge kvelden for oss så mye han kunne.. Politiet ble ganske sjokket når jeg ba de om og komme inn og se hvor lite bråk vi egentlig lagde og at vi ikke hadde noen fest med 40 mennesker men var tre jenter.. men fikk uansett en bot for og ha ødelagt kveldsroen for et vist ubrukelig menneske! Jeg ble så sint at jeg gikk rett ned og snakket med han og sa at hvis han hadde et problem med ”bråk” i fremtiden så hadde jeg prissatt om han kom og banket på min dør først (der tar han 10 sek fra sin leilighet til min) før han blandet inn mennesker som faktisk har bedre ting og bruke tiden sin på enn og komme på besøk til meg… Han var enormt frekk, men tror han var en smule pinlig berørt også når han skrek meg opp i ansiktet og politiet kom ned og snakket med han..hahaha

Så nå har jeg en mental krig med naboen.. har hørt noen rykter om at han har katter og jeg har en ond plan om og kinnappe de en dag. Noe som er meget fint for meg siden jeg savner kattene mine og gjerne vil ha noen.

Etter dette dro vi jente ut for og glemme hele episoden.. og jeg brukte kvelden på og få ut frustrasjon som dessverre gikk utover det motsatte kjønn.. De fikk virkelig svi den kvelden.. jeg hadde vist nok skjelt ut to gutter og sagt diverse ondskapsfulle ting… mennn hallooo hva skal man gjøre når de bare prøver og komme ned i buksene på venninne mine.. og jeg lider av den uheldige sykdommen at jeg ofte forvandler meg til min ikke fult så snille halvdel Hege Katrine.. Ja folkens hun er tilbake for fult!!! Og hun er kommet for og bli en stund, for jeg HAATTER nemlig gutter for tiden.. de er rett og slett tilbakestående og dumme. (noen unntak er det selvfølgelig)Her er noen bilder fra kvelden:

Søndagen gikk med på og synes veldig synd på seg selv siden jeg ikke bare var litt bakfull, men ekstremt bakfull…så dårlig at jeg faktisk ikke kunne gå haha..

Resten av uken har for det meste gått med p

å skole, med unntak av onsdag kveld da jeg dro ut med Lukas, en god venn av meg her for og feire en overstått eksamen fra samme dag..

Det var en super koselig kveld, der vi spiste en veldig lang middag bestående av diverse tapas, sherry og vin i en spansk restaurant, vi kom oss faktisk ikke hjem før 02.00 om morningen, men det var absolutt verdt det!

Na bruker jeg all min tid på og skrive en research paper om ”Infidelity among partners” altså utroskap i et forhold.. så kan vel si jeg er en ekspert på subjektet akkurat nå, og om dere lurer på noe er det bare og spørre!

Og om noen trenger og få litt emosielle følelser ut er dette en super fin sang:

Ok igjen dette ble et enormt langt innlegg! Da gjenstår det bare og si takk for meg igjen og Hege Katrine sier også takk for i dag… nye innlegg om mannehat kommer sikkert snart..Her er et bilde av Hege Katrine for de som hadde glemt henne og de som ikke viste om hun:

Ha en strålende dag!
Takk for meg